- We participate in the Failte Ireland Covid-19 Safety Charter and are committed to preventing the spread of Covid-19
- Coronavirus hand sanitisation points available in the Cafe entrance, counter area and toilets
- Corona Virus information and advice notices around all sink and toilet areas to advise customers of the HSE guidelines on good hand hygiene
- We have increased frequency of cleaning and sanitising tables, counter-tops, work surfaces and door handles
- All team members are trained and regularly briefed on the importance of correct hand hygiene and abide by our comprehensive COVID-19 Response Plan
- We ask our customers to cough or sneeze into a tissue or handkerchief and follow-up with immediate handwashing or sanitising
- We ask our customers to take away any tissues and personal items
- It is not a requirement but we prefer cafe or shop payments to be made by card to avoid unnecessary handling of cash
- If you have any questions and would like to get in touch with us, please submit the Contact Form.